Western NC USTA League Tennis invites you to our “Meeting Mixer” on Sunday, January 28, 2018 starting at 3 pm, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, in Asheville, NC. We will have a social “meet & greet”, refreshments & door prizes. Get to know your local WNC area Community Tennis Association (Board members & volunteers from Asheville Tennis Association, Henderson County Community Tennis Association, Black Mountain Tennis Association will be available). The 2018 USTA League Captains’ Meeting will also be held during this event.
All area league & new players to league tennis, teaching professionals, captains & potential captains, facility directors & CTA Board & membership are encouraged to attend.
RESERVATION RSVP no later than Dec. 28, 2017 to Bevie Walker, WNC USTA League Coordinator at bevstan890@gmail.com, OR sign up at your tennis facility.