LOOKING for a Team?…
Click on the link for the appropriate league season. We will be forming new teams and connecting players to teams looking for players. Your contact information will be shared with captains looking for players and/or other players looking to connect to a team.
You can also utilize the search tool on Tennislink by logging into your Tennislink account, click on the FIND & REGISTER FOR A TEAM button on the left hand side and search available options.
Please note: Teams play other teams throughout western NC. Team matches may be scheduled in Asheville, Hendersonville, Brevard, Black Mountain, Forest City, etc., depending on where teams form. USTA membership is required, and if you are not a member at the home facility, you will have a facility fee in addition to the league fee.
FIND A PLAYER – Are you a Captain looking for a player(s) for your team?
Contact the appropriate Local League Coordinator and specify what LEAGUE, AGE, GENDER, and NTRP players you are seeking.
Local League Coordinators:
Spring Leagues:
Bevie Walker, bevstan890@gmail.com
Summer Leagues:
Jennifer Kersey, kersey.wnctennis@gmail.com
Fall Leagues:
Bevie Walker, bevstan890@gmail.com